To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift! ~Pre

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Saturday Report

You guys did a great job in spite of the challenges of today. Our struggles was not only with humidity, we had stings! Yellow jackets, or wasps... whatever they were stung about 7 of us (including me).
Thanks to the Life Guards of Parvin's for their First Aid treatments.

*Be sure to have your parent/guardian look at your sting. Keep an eye on it!

Stay hydrated.
Run about 25 min on Sunday and do 6 build ups.
Run 30 min on Monday.

See you Tuesday, 8:30(ish)

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4x400 Workouts

 For those of you who want to try out for the 4x400 team... Colton plans to be at the BHS stadium to do a workout on Thursday, 4pm. Contact ...