To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift! ~Pre

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

State Championship

Our State Championship race is at noon on Saturday, 11/10.
The bus will leave CR at 8am. All TEAM members are welcome
WAWA stop on the way home. Bring $

Parents/Friends - PARKING --
Parking for the group meet Spectators on 11/10/18 will be at the Vonage Facility Parking lot.
This is the same procedure used as in previous years. Spectators will be asked to pay a $1.00 bus fee (round trip) to help defray the cost of the buses. This fee will be collected at the Vonage parking lot only.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


We are collecting food for Salvation Army Thanksgiving Baskets, which will be distributed to families in need in the Bridgeton area. Below are items we are collecting. A basket will be outside of the Athletic Department on Tuesday for contributions.

canned veggies               cranberry sauce
instant mashed potatoes  gravy
canned yams                   rolls
stuffing (box or bag)       cake/frosting or bread, brownie mix
juice                                 disposable roasting pans


Hard work, determination and perseverance pays off!

4x400 Workouts

 For those of you who want to try out for the 4x400 team... Colton plans to be at the BHS stadium to do a workout on Thursday, 4pm. Contact ...