To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift! ~Pre

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Monday evening, 6-7:30pm - TEAM DINNER at the B Commons Cafe

 Food Assignments (any problem, let me know asap)

*Each person is to bring their own plate and utensils (real, or plastic is your option).

Cups and napkins will be provided. 

There will be approximately 36 people in attendance.

Main Course (something like pasta, pizza, chicken...) - Bryant, Delcollo, Siebert, Scull

Salad & Drinks - Bianco, Cogit, Henry

Desert & Drinks - Turner, Riley

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Final Notes

1.ALL issued equipment must be turned in ASAP (even if you are doing Winter/Spring Track). Put all your stuff in a bag with a piece of paper that has your name on it. Either give it to Coach at the pizza party or give it to the Hox (girls coach) at school (PE Dept). 

Failure to comply means that I have to fill out a CRHS Fine Form that your parents will get in the mail.

2.Fire Pit Pizza Party at Coach's home this Thursday. 11/3, from 6:15 till 7:30pm (Phillies at 8).

RSVP if you want pizza and drink

1496 Highway 77, Upper Deerfield (Bridgeton GPS) 08302

-3.3 miles north of CRHS

*We are a GO.

3. TEAM Dinner/Banquet - athletes & parents (sibs as needed) -- Monday 11/14 in the B Commons Cafe 

*Each athlete will be assigned to bring some food (check back for assignment)

4.Order TEAM t-shirts NOW! (for TEAM and family members).

Text Coach your order -- size, short sleeve or long sleeve

*Order in by Thursday

5.The Locker Rooms will be disinfected next week, around 11/7. Anything that hasn't been removed will be discarded at that time -- so clear out your stuff now!

4x400 Workouts

 For those of you who want to try out for the 4x400 team... Colton plans to be at the BHS stadium to do a workout on Thursday, 4pm. Contact ...