To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift! ~Pre

Monday, July 30, 2018

Tuesday, 7/31 @ CRHS


Same Thursday
*Reminder: On Wednesday there are 7 of you who have been asked to help with a fundraiser

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Saturday Report

You guys did a great job in spite of the challenges of today. Our struggles was not only with humidity, we had stings! Yellow jackets, or wasps... whatever they were stung about 7 of us (including me).
Thanks to the Life Guards of Parvin's for their First Aid treatments.

*Be sure to have your parent/guardian look at your sting. Keep an eye on it!

Stay hydrated.
Run about 25 min on Sunday and do 6 build ups.
Run 30 min on Monday.

See you Tuesday, 8:30(ish)

Monday, July 23, 2018

Practice Session - Saturday, 7/28, 8:30-10:30 @ Parvin State Park

*Bring a spare t-shirt in case you need a dry one.

I apologize for any confusion about Thursday time/place

*NEXT WEDNESDAY, 8/1 is our TEAM PROJECT at the golf tournament.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Here's the latest... (*note schedule changes for this week)

This week -  Tuesday, 7/17, 8:30am at the Tennis Courts; Thursday, 7/19, 8:30am at Parvin's Beach.
Saturday, 7/21 - No practice together (Coach away, but you know what to do).

XC Camp is quickly approaching -- 8/6-11

Last week was a great training week. The first year guys had a great Saturday, running a good 2 mile, then making it around the Lake Loop.
The upperclassmen had four good sessions, which included a Friday trip to run at Belmont Plateau, on one of the toughest XC courses in America.

Welcome back - while we await Leo to return in another week, we welcome Luke, who had surgery a few weeks ago.

Friday, July 6, 2018

PLEASE note:

All student access to the building this summer must be through the front doors of the school, due to construction.
*If you need to turn in paperwork, go to the Main Office (front doors).
*Actually, XC guys have no need to be in the building, since we arrive at the property to do everything outside.
- AND there will be a Port-o-potty placed at the Stadium for your convenience.

4x400 Workouts

 For those of you who want to try out for the 4x400 team... Colton plans to be at the BHS stadium to do a workout on Thursday, 4pm. Contact ...